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Watashi wa kyomu no kamidesu ( 私は虚無の神です )


Cosplayer Head

Nazomeita ōra o hanatsu kokū no kami suniyata. Kodai no himitsu o kakusu mōmokuna kare wa, yūutsuna kibun de uchū o kōkai shimasu. Seigi no tankyū to mi no otōto ni taisuru fukushū ni karitate rareta suniyata no chikara to sonzai-kan wa, miwaku-tekina miryoku to kyōmei shimasu. Kurayami to kanashimi ni tsutsuma reta michi o ayumu kare no honshitsu wa, kokū no shinpi o naihō shite imasu. ( 謎めいたオーラを放つ虚空の神スニヤタ。古代の秘密を隠す盲目な彼は、憂鬱な気分で宇宙を航海します。正義の探求と実の弟に対する復讐に駆り立てられたスニヤタの力と存在感は、魅惑的な魅力と共鳴します。暗闇と悲しみに包まれた道を歩む彼の本質は、虚空の神秘を内包しています。 )
Ganbare Gabimaru



A titular character in the Oshi no Ko manga series. She is the series' poster child and was the lead idol of the now-defunct B-Komachi. Originally hailing from an abusive and solemn past, Ai was a bumpkin with no professionalism and didn't try to fit in. Over time, through the help of Masaya Kaburagi, a producer with many connections, she got into the Lalalie Theatrical Company, and through Ichigo Saitou, the former president of Strawberry Productions, became an idol for B-Komachi.


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